
now.com 使用條款

  1. 接受條款
  1. 請細閱此等使用條款,因其就您使用本網站及在、從或經本網站向您提供的任何服務及內容(「服務」)適用。進入或使用服務即表示您同意接受以下所約束:(i)此等使用條款(ii) 我們的私隱政策聲明,載於http://www.pccw.com/privacy-statement/index.page?locale=zh,該網站構成此等使用條款一部分,以供參考(iii) 免責聲明及版權公告(如適用),載於http://now.com/images/html/service/cp_copyright.html,該網站構成此等使用條款一部分,以供參考。
  2. 我們可能不時更新此張貼以修訂此等使用條款。經修訂的使用條款將於張貼後生效。
  1. 服務
  1. 通過「fb新聞」功能,您可訪問他人Facebook專頁的公開帖子。為免生疑問,Facebook、喜歡按鈕、分享按鈕及「f」標誌  均為Facebook商標、商標名稱及財產。
  2. 您確認已明白我們概不就其他第三方所發佈並且通過服務連接的Facebook專頁帖子及/或評論承擔任何責任,及連接到該等Facebook專頁並不意味我們以任何方式認可有關Facebook專頁上該等帖子的內容。
  3. 您確認已明白您所使用部分服務或會受附加使用條款規管。在此情況下,您將獲告知,而:
  1. 閣下使用有關服務時,該等附加使用條款將與此等使用條款同時適用;及
  2. 如有歧異,概以該等附加使用條款為準。
  1. 服務更新
  1. 您確認已明白我們可能在已經或未有通知的情況下,全權酌情:
  1. 更改服務或服務的任何部分;及
  2. 在未有通知的情況下,修改或終止本服務或服務的任何部分。
  1. 內容
  1. 您確認已明白服務內容受版權及可能存在的其他知識產權保護。除非您獲明確授權,否則不得自行或容許任何其他人士:
  1. 未經我們事先書面同意,銷售、轉載、分發、傳輸、修改、展示、公開演出、製作以本內容為基礎的衍生作品、轉貼、轉播、轉發或以任何方式將內容用作商業、宣傳或公共用途;或
  2. 為任何目的在任何其他網站上或網絡電腦環境中使用任何內容;或
  3. 對包含可下載軟件的任何內容進行逆向工程;或
  4. 以其他方式侵犯在內容中存在的知識產權。
  1. 除明文規定外,您對或就服務作出的行動一概不會獲轉讓任何知識產權,亦不會讓您獲特許行使任何知識產權。
  1. 您使用服務
  1. 您不得:
  1. 中斷或干擾服務或連接或途經服務的伺服器或其他軟件、硬件或設備;
  2. 製造可用病毒或任何其他電腦代碼、檔案、目錄或指定內容以中斷、破壞或限制服務的功能或影響其他用戶;
  3. 違反與您使用服務有關的任何法例及法規;
  4. 以任何非法用途或不符合任何使用條款的任何方式使用服務;
  5. 為任何商業用途及利益使用有關服務,或向任何其他人士或實體轉售或轉讓或出售有關服務,或由任何其他人士或實體使用有關服務或為任何其他人士或實體的利益使用有關服務;
  6. 收集或儲存有關服務的其他用戶個人資料;
  7. 透過服務複製、翻譯、重新發布、上載、張貼、傳輸或分發可用的任何內容,包括文字、圖像、插圖、聲音片段及視頻片段;或
  8. 從服務或任何有關或相關的應用程式、系統或服務就任何資料、源代碼或相關HTML進行複製、修改、逆向工程或摘錄,惟根據適用法例所允許或經我們事先書面同意所進行者除外。
  1. 在某些情況下,您可能向服務提供內容。
  1. 提供您並無權利或侵犯或違反他人權利(包括知識產權)或以其他方式違反法例的任何內容;
  2. 提供具淫穢、誹謗、損害名譽、失實陳述、粗俗、歧視或令人反感的任何內容;或
  3. 在未經事先書面允許的情況下,張貼含有廣告或任何教唆性質的內容。
  1. 如您向服務提供內容,即表示您向我們授出非獨家、永久、可轉讓、可再授權、免版稅、全球性特許權,以使用(包括但不限於接收、儲存、複製、修訂、改編為衍生作品(如翻譯、改編、概要或其他更改)、傳達、發表、演出、展示及分發)有關內容。
  1. 您確認已明白如我們發現您向服務提供的內容違反任何此等使用條款或與任何此等使用條款造成衝突,我們有全權酌情刪除有關內容。
  1. 第三方供應商
  1. 您確認已明白部分服務(包括內容)可能由第三方供應商(「第三方供應商」)而非我們提供或保存。我們或會移除違反適用法例及/或規例的內容,但此並不表示我們先監察或審查內容方提供服務。
  2. 由第三方供應商提供可經服務獲取的網站連結(「第三方網站」)可能經服務提供。如您使用任何第三方網站,您將離開服務,該等第三方網站受其服務條款及私隱政策所規管。
  3. 您與任何第三方供應商的通訊或交易只涉及您與該名第三方供應商,且您同意我們將不會就因有關交易而導致的任何形式損失或損害承擔或負上責任;
  4. 我們並無審查第三方網站的所有內容,亦不監控任何有關第三方網站或其內容或就其負責。第三方網站的連結並無隱含我們或電訊盈科集團與第三方網站內容聯屬、或贊助、認可或任何其他參與第三方網站內容。我們及電訊盈科集團概不就第三方網站任何內容或違反任何適用法律及/或規例或侵犯可能於第三方網站出現的第三方權利負上及承擔責任。
  1. 連結及廣告
  1. 我們不就連結至服務的任何站外網頁或任何其他網站(包括但不限於透過廣告或透過任何搜尋器連結的網站)的內容或準確性負責。
  2. 我們不就服務可能連結或隱含的任何Facebook專頁帖子內容或準確性負責。如您發現所連結的任何Facebook專頁帖子內容侵犯您的權利,您可透過 pccwmediaiapps@pccw.com 向我們的客戶服務人員舉報,我們將盡快移除有關帖子。
  3. 服務上出現的某些連結為自動產生,可能冒犯或不適合某些人士。包含任何連結並不表示我們認可所連結的網站或任何與之相關的產品或服務,您須自行承擔使用該等連結的風險。
  4. 您與服務廣告商或服務連結網站的通訊或交易,或所參與的該等廣告商或網站推銷只涉及您與該廣告商。
  5. 我們將不會就因有關交易或於服務內或服務所連結網站出現的廣告而導致的任何形式損失或損害承擔或負上責任。
  1. 在某些情況下,我們或會收集您向其他網站提供的資料及內容,以於服務顯示及使用。
  1. 自行承擔使用服務的風險
  1. 您須自行承擔使用服務的風險,且您確認已明白我們不就您獲取服務的權利及使用服務及/或內容而導致的損失或損害負責。您必須評估及承擔與使用任何內容有關的一切風險,包括依賴任何內容的時間性、準確性、完整性或有用性。所有在或經服務提供的資料僅供參考。您應就任何內容自行尋求獨立意見。
  2. 我們盡力提供資料豐富及實用的服務,但我們不能保證任何內容為及時和完全無誤,或服務或操作服務的伺服器完全沒有病毒或其他有害成分。
  3. 儘管我們會盡合理努力保存內容,但我們並不承諾為內容提供支援或保養服務。
  4. 如您因使用服務而導致需要維修或更換財產、材料、設備或數據,我們將不會負責有關費用。
  1. 在不局限上述條文下,一切服務按其現狀及其供應狀況向您提供,並不包含任何形式(不論明示或暗示)保證,包括但不限於有關可銷性、對特定用途適用性或適合性的保證、不侵犯行為,或使用或依賴服務引致的後果。我們盡量在任何適用法律允許的情況下,免除所有聲明及保證。
  1. 彌償
  1. 您同意就電訊盈科集團因服務產生或與之有關或於服務內任何連結而引致的任何及所有索償、損害、責任、費用及開支(包括合理法律及專家費用)向電訊盈科集團作出彌償、為其抗辯及使其免受損害,費用由您自行承擔,與服務有關的事宜包括但不限於:(i)您使用或他人使用您的電腦使用服務;(ii)您或使用您的電腦的任何人士違反任何使用條款。您同意支付任何及所有費用、損害及開支,包括但不限於任何有關索償、訴訟、法律行動或因有關索償引起的法律程序裁定須支付或以其他方式產生或與之有關或衍生的合理法律收費及費用。
  1. 免除責任
  1. 無論在任何情況下,即使我們已明確通知使用或未能使用服務或服務上的任何連結或任何使用條款的條款可能引起損失或損害(例如但不限於失去收益或失去預期利潤),我們概不會就您的任何損失或損害(例如但不限於有關直接、間接、意外、後果、特殊、刑罰或懲罰性損害的責任)承擔責任。
  2. 如司法管轄區不容許根據第8(e)段及第10(a)段免除保證或責任,但容許有某最大程度的責任限制,則我們的保證限於該程度。
  3. 如沒有限制上述條款,在法律准許範圍內,我們因或就您使用或未能使用服務所引起的責任,按照任何索償或法律行動計算限於合共一百港元(100港元)。
  1.  私隱政策聲明

    當您獲取及/或使用服務,您同意受我們的私隱政策聲明所約束。有關服務的私隱政策聲明載於 http://www.pccw.com/legal/privacy.html,該網站構成此等使用條款一部分,以供參考。 

  1. 曲奇及其他資料
  1. 您在使用服務時,我們可能會向您的電腦發出或收集稱為cookies (小型文字檔案)的多組數據。您不得因使用服務而更改或以其他方式干擾向您電腦傳送或收集的任何cookies及有關數據。
  2. 我們可能會於您使用服務時向您收集其他非個人資料作分析用途;有關資料可能會提供予第三方作類似用途。
  1. 一般條款
  1. 我們可在未經您同意下隨時轉讓此等條款及條件的權利及責任予任何人士或實體。我們也可委任代理或分包商履行我們的責任。
  2. 如此等使用條款任何部分被認定為不可強制執行,則不可強制執行的部分將盡可能生效,且如從此等使用條款分割屬適當,則餘下部分將仍然具有十足效力及作用。
  3. 此等使用條款受香港法例規管。您不可撤銷地接受香港法院專屬司法管轄權管轄。
  4. 您同意就任何索償、法律行動或要求(包括但不限於因您獲取服務及/或使用內容或違反此等使用條款而合理產生的法律及會計費用)向我們、我們的高級職員、董事、僱員及代理作出彌償並使他們免受損害。
  5. 如此等使用條款有中英文本,概以英文本為準。
  1. 釋義
「內容」 包括您在或透過網站所看見、閱讀、聽見、下載或獲取的材料及資料(包括但不限於訊息、檔案、數據、軟件、圖像、相片、影片、錄音、聲效、插圖、文字及其他材料)。
「香港」 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區。
「電訊盈科集團」或「電訊盈科」 電訊盈科有限公司及其附屬公司、聯屬公司及聯營公司。
「我們」 PCCW。

最後更新時間: 2019年1月21日


now.com Terms of Use

  1. Your acceptance
  1. Please read these Terms of Use carefully as they apply to your use of this Website and any services and Content provided to you on, from or through the Website (“Service”). By accessing or using the Service, you agree to be bound by (i) these Terms of Use (ii) our Privacy Policy Statement, found at http://www.pccw.com/legal/privacy.html which forms part of these Terms of Use by reference and (iii) if applicable, Disclaimers and Copyright Notices, found at http://now.com/images/html/service/cp_copyright.html which form part of these Terms of Use by reference.
  2. We may revise these Terms of Use from time to time by updating this posting. The revised Terms of Use will take effect when they are posted.
  1. Service
  1. Through the feature “Social Hub”, you may access the public posts of the Facebook pages of others.  For the avoidance of doubt, Facebook, the Like button, the Share button, the “f” logo  are all trade marks and trade names and properties of Facebook.
  2. You acknowledge that we do not have any responsibilities to any of the posts and/or comments made by other third parties to the Facebook pages linked through the Service, and that by linking to these Facebook pages does not mean that we endorse in anyway the contents of such posts in the relevant Facebook pages.
  3. You acknowledge that your use of some parts of the Service may be governed by additional terms of use. Where this is the case, you will be notified accordingly, and those additional terms of use:
  1. will apply to your use of such service in addition to these Terms of Use; and
  2. will prevail over these Terms of Use to the extent of any inconsistency.
  1. Service Update
  1. You acknowledge that we may, in our sole discretion and with or without notice,
  1. vary the Service or any part of the Service; and
  2. modify or discontinue this Service or any part of the Service without notice.
  1. Content
  1. You acknowledge that the Content in the Service is protected by copyright and possibly other intellectual property rights. Unless you are expressly authorized you must not by yourself or permit any other person to:
  1. sell, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, display, publicly perform, prepare derivative works based on, repost, rebroadcast, retransmit or otherwise use any of the Content in any way for any commercial, promotional or public purposes without our prior written consent; or
  2. use any Content on any other website or in a networked computer environment for any purpose ; or
  3. reverse engineer any Content consisting of downloadable software; or
  4. otherwise infringe the intellectual property rights subsisting in the Content.
  1. Nothing you do on or in relation to the Service will transfer any intellectual property rights to you or license you to exercise any intellectual property rights unless this is expressly stated.
  1. Your Use of the Service
  1. You must not:
  1. disrupt or interfere with the Service or servers or other software, hardware or equipment connected to or via the Service;
  2. make available viruses or any other computer code, files, programs or content designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of the Services or affect other users;
  3. violate any laws and regulations relating to your use of the Service;
  4. use the Service for any illegal purpose or in any manner inconsistent with any Terms of Use;
  5. use it for any commercial use and benefit, or resell or transfer or dispose to, or use by or for the benefit of any other person or entity;
  6. collect or store personal data about other users of the Service;
  7. duplicate, translate, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute any Content made available through the Service, including texts, images, illustrations, audio clips, and video clips; or
  8. copy, modify, reverse engineer or extract any information, source codes or underlying HTML from the Service or any connected or related applications, systems or services, except to the extent permitted under applicable law or with our prior written consent.
  1. In some cases you may contribute content to the Service.
  1. contribute any content that you do not have the rights to or infringes or violates someone else’s rights (including intellectual property rights) or otherwise violates the law;
  2. contribute any content that is obscene, defamatory, libelous, misrepresentative, vulgar, discriminative or otherwise objectionable; or
  3. without our prior written permission post content containing advertisements or solicitations of any nature.
  1. If you contribute content to the service, you grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual, transferable, sublicensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use (including without limitations to host, store, replicate, revise, adapt into derivative works (such as translations, adaptations, summaries or other changes), communicate, publish, perform, display and distribute) such content.
  1. You acknowledge that we have the sole and absolute discretion to remove any of the content you have contributed to the Service should we find it in violation or in conflict with any of these Terms of Use.
  1. Third Party Providers
  1. You acknowledge that parts of the Service including the Content may be provided or maintained by third party providers (“Third Party Providers”) and not by us. We may take down Content that violates applicable laws and/or regulations, but that does not mean that we monitor or review Content before it is made available on the Services.
  2. Links to websites provided by Third Party Providers accessible through the Service (“Third Party Sites”) may be provided through the Service. You will leave the Service if you use any Third Party Sites, which are governed by their own terms of service and privacy policies.
  3. Your correspondence or dealings with any Third Party Provider are solely between you and that Third Party Provider, and you agree that we will not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of such dealings.
  4. We have not reviewed all Content on Third Party Sites and do not control and is not responsible for any of such Third Party Sites or their Content. Our links to Third Party Sites do not imply an affiliation, sponsorship, endorsement or any other involvement by us or the PCCW Group in respect of the contents of the Third Party Sites. Neither we nor the PCCW Group shall be responsible for, and accepts no liability for any Contents of Third Party Sites or any breaches of applicable laws and/or regulations or infringement of third party rights that may occur on the Third Party Sites.
  1. Links and Advertisements
  1. We are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any off-website pages or any other websites linked to the Service (including without limitation websites linked through advertisements or through any search engines).
  2. We are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any posts in the Facebook pages which may be linked or embedded to the Service.  Should you find the contents of any of the said posts in the linked Facebook pages infringing your rights, you may report to our customer service by pccwmediaiapps@pccw.com and we will remove such posts as soon as practicable.
  3. Some links which appear on the Service are automatically generated, and may be offensive or inappropriate to some people. The inclusion of any link does not imply that we endorse the linked websites or any products or services in connection therewith, and you use the links at your own risk.
  4. Your correspondence or dealings with, or participation in promotions of, advertisers on the Service or websites linked to the Service are solely between you and such advertisers.
  5. We will not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings or as the result of the presence of advertisements on the Service or websites linked to the Service.
  1. In some cases, we may collect information and content that you have provided to other websites for display and use in the Service.
  1. The Use of the Service Is At Your Risk
  1. You use the Service at your risk and you acknowledge that we are not responsible for any loss or damage howsoever incurred by you in relation to your access to the Service and use of the Service and/or Content. You must evaluate and bear all risks associated with the use of any Content including reliance on the timeliness, accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any Content. All information provided on or via the Service is for information purposes only. You should seek your own independent advice with respect to any Content.
  2. We endeavor to provide an informative and functional service, but we do not guarantee that any Content will be timely, error-free or that the Service or the server that operates it is free of viruses or other harmful components.
  3. Although we will use reasonable endeavors to maintain the Content, we do not undertake to provide support or maintenance services for the Content.
  4. If your use of the Service results in the need for servicing or replacing property, material, equipment or data, we will not be responsible for such costs.
  1. Without limiting the above provisions, everything on the Service is provided to you "as is" and "as available" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness or suitability for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or results obtained by using or relying on the Service. We exclude all representations and warranties to the fullest extent permissible under any applicable law.
  1. Indemnity
  1. You agree, at your own expense, to indemnify, defend and hold the PCCW Group harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including reasonable legal and expert fees, arising out of or in connection with the Service, or any links on the Service, including, but not limited to: (i) your use or someone using your computer for the use of the Service; (ii) breach of any Terms of Use by you or anyone using your computer. You agree to pay any and all costs, damages, and expenses, including, but not limited to reasonable legal fees and costs awarded against or otherwise incurred by or in connection with or arising from any such claim, suit, action, or proceeding attributable to any such claim.
  1. Exclusion of Liability
  2. If a jurisdiction does not allow the exclusion of warranties or liability in accordance with paragraph 8(e) and paragraph 10(a) but allows limitations of a certain maximum extent then we limit our warranties and liability to that extent.
  3. Without limiting the above provisions, to the extent permitted by law, our aggregate liability to you, arising from or in connection with your use of or inability to use the Service, based on any claims or actions is limited to Hong Kong One Hundred Dollars (HK$100).
  1.  Privacy Policy Statement

      When you access and/or use the Service, you agree to be bound by our Privacy Policy Statement accessible at http://www.pccw.com/legal/privacy.html, which forms part of these Terms of Use by reference. 

  1. Cookies and other information
  1. During your use of the Service, we may issue to and request from your computer blocks of data known as “cookies”. You must not alter or otherwise interfere with any cookies and related data sent to or request from your computer as a result of your use the Service.
  2. We may collect other non-personal information from you during your use of the Service for analysis purposes; such information may be provided to third parties for similar purposes.
  1. General Provisions
  1. We can transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions to any person or entity without your consent. We can also use an agent or subcontractor to perform our responsibilities.
  2. If any part of these Terms of Use is held to be unenforceable, the unenforceable part shall be given effect to the greatest extent possible and where appropriate be severable from these Terms of Use and the remainder will remain in full force and effect.
  3. These Terms of Use will be governed by the laws of Hong Kong. You irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of Hong Kong.
  4. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless us, our officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees resulting from your access to the Service and/or use of the Content or your breach of these Terms of Use.
  5. If these Terms of Use are available in both English and Chinese, the English version shall prevail.
  1. Definitions

"Content"               includes materials and information that you may see, read, hear, download or access on or via     the Website (including but not limited to messages, files, data, software, images, photographs,      videos, audio recordings, sounds, illustrations, texts and other materials).

"Hong Kong"         means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.

“PCCW Group”

or “PCCW”           means PCCW Limited and its subsidiaries, affiliates and associated companies.

"We" or "us"

or “ours”               refer to PCCW

Last updated: 21 January 2019